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Saturday, April 18, 2009

Would a true Christian forsake Jesus Christ?

After considerations of the statements that have come from the White House in recent days with regard to the President's speech at Georgetown University. As a Christian, I really only have one question, would a true Christian foresake Jesus? If the answer is no, then the next question that you must ask is, is our President a Christian?
I know that during the campaign the President went out of his way to convince we the people that he was in fact a Christian. I also remember that during the campaign he referred to his "muslim faith" twice. Frankly, most Christians that I know would have done everything they could have to keep the picture of Jesus displayed. Also, could there have been a better opportunity for the President and the White House to bolster the claims that the President is Christian? Especially when you consider that a segment of the voting public believes he is a Muslim. To me, it is pretty simple. True Christians would never make the mistake of referring to any other faith it simply would not happen. However, someone who is pretending to be Christian just may slip up in public, twice, while running for President. Could it be that the voting public has been duped? Only time will bear out the answer but keep a close eye, I fear that this is not the only thing that we are going to find where we have been duped.

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