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Saturday, June 5, 2010

Sly Like A Fox Or Clueless?

After careful consideration I have come to the conclusion that one of two things must be true of our President. Either he and his people are totally incompetent or it is all part of the master plan to destroy this nation and cause it's demise. As I have watched over the months since President Obama was sworn in, I was sure it was the latter. As of late though I am not so sure. I was always of the opinion that whether or not I agreed with the policies and direction that any President was taking the country, he certainly had to be extremely smart just to have become President in the first place. With previous Presidents we could all see where they attended school and what grades they received. Obama has done everything he can to make sure that we do not have any of that information from him. I am sure there is an obvious answer as to why he keeps that information secret. But I'll leave that for another posting.
Okay so maybe it is not so complicated after all, maybe Obama isn't that smart? Sure he speaks well with a teleprompter, no one has delivered speeches like him since Ronald Reagan. What is becoming painfully obvious about this President, he just may be an empty head when it comes to genuine ideas.
He seems very ready to appoint some sort of commission to study any problem that he may have to come up with a solution for.  To make matters worse, he has surrounded himself with a bunch of Chicago  political machine hacks who have no idea what they are doing either. What about Obama care you say? Sure it passed, but Congress wrote it, the President had little input as to what was in the actual bill that he signed into law and I think that it is a safe bet that he doesn't know what is in it to this day. Obama has never owned any business nor has he ever run a business. I do not believe he has ever had to figure out how to solve a problem either. I now suspect that his whole political life has been about his image and that when it came to any problem solving, someone else came up with solutions that Obama was allowed to take credit for.
Good speeches and delivery may work well in Chicago and while you are on the Campaign trail
If you win the election and become President you have to be a leader and you have to show leadership. So far, Obama has failed... Appointing commissions is not leadership and saying that creating endless government positions in the workforce does not really help unemployment. Where is the leadership from America foreign policy?
Iran has the bomb, North Korea has attacked the south, Israel is not supported by this administration and is left to defend itself alone and then is criticized when it does. Barack Obama is Jimmy Carter on steroids.
This White House seems to be in chaos. Maybe Obama should appoint a commission to find out why he can't seem to make a decision and why he would rather take vacations and play golf while the country suffers economically?
Congratulations Jimmy Carter, President Obama has insured that you will no longer be known as our worst President.
