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Friday, July 16, 2010

Jeff has it right

The world, always an interesting place, has not disappointed for news in the last few weeks. Below are some thoughts on just a few recent events.
President Obama appeared this morning, the 87th day of the Gulf oil spill, to discuss the spill and BP’s relief efforts. According to the Heritage Foundation, today was the first time since June 22 that Obama had publicly acknowledged the spill’s existence. If you’re keeping score, that’s 24 days of publicly ignoring the spill’s existence, beginning 7 days after Obama used his first Oval Office address to tell us all what a tragedy this disaster was, and how its occurrence somehow meant that we needed to pay his government significantly more in taxes.
I guess he was so busy in the intervening 24 days — nearly a month — looking for an “ass to kick,” he couldn’t find the time to mention the ongoing spill. Or maybe he was just too busy playing the latest of the 10 rounds of golf he’s enjoyed since the April 20 Deepwater Horizon disaster — nearly half the number of rounds his predecessor, George W. Bush,played in his entire 8 year tenure.  If Nero earned permanent notoriety for fiddling while his Empire’s capital city burned, what should Obama face after playing round after round of golf while the greatest man-made environmental disaster in human history was going on?
Obama’s decision to finally acknowledge, for the first time in nearly a month, that oil is still spewing into the Gulf is a very good sign for BP’s current relief effort. His 24 days of silence on the topic suggest that there’s no way Obama would be talking oil spill now if he hadn’t been assured that there was some major ongoing, or imminent, improvement in the situation he could safely take credit for.
And speaking of energy taxes and dependence, here’s something worth noting: even the backward (to say the least) Islamic “Republic” of Iran is taking significant steps to reduce its dependence on foreign fuel sources, upping its refining capacity in hopes of cutting gasoline imports by up to 75% in the next five years. Score one for the Persian state, which has shown itself, in at least one area, to be more truly “progressive” than the rigid ideologues currently attempting to lead America while permanently sojourning in energy independence fantasy land.

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Friday, July 9, 2010

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Saturday, June 5, 2010

Sly Like A Fox Or Clueless?

After careful consideration I have come to the conclusion that one of two things must be true of our President. Either he and his people are totally incompetent or it is all part of the master plan to destroy this nation and cause it's demise. As I have watched over the months since President Obama was sworn in, I was sure it was the latter. As of late though I am not so sure. I was always of the opinion that whether or not I agreed with the policies and direction that any President was taking the country, he certainly had to be extremely smart just to have become President in the first place. With previous Presidents we could all see where they attended school and what grades they received. Obama has done everything he can to make sure that we do not have any of that information from him. I am sure there is an obvious answer as to why he keeps that information secret. But I'll leave that for another posting.
Okay so maybe it is not so complicated after all, maybe Obama isn't that smart? Sure he speaks well with a teleprompter, no one has delivered speeches like him since Ronald Reagan. What is becoming painfully obvious about this President, he just may be an empty head when it comes to genuine ideas.
He seems very ready to appoint some sort of commission to study any problem that he may have to come up with a solution for.  To make matters worse, he has surrounded himself with a bunch of Chicago  political machine hacks who have no idea what they are doing either. What about Obama care you say? Sure it passed, but Congress wrote it, the President had little input as to what was in the actual bill that he signed into law and I think that it is a safe bet that he doesn't know what is in it to this day. Obama has never owned any business nor has he ever run a business. I do not believe he has ever had to figure out how to solve a problem either. I now suspect that his whole political life has been about his image and that when it came to any problem solving, someone else came up with solutions that Obama was allowed to take credit for.
Good speeches and delivery may work well in Chicago and while you are on the Campaign trail
If you win the election and become President you have to be a leader and you have to show leadership. So far, Obama has failed... Appointing commissions is not leadership and saying that creating endless government positions in the workforce does not really help unemployment. Where is the leadership from America foreign policy?
Iran has the bomb, North Korea has attacked the south, Israel is not supported by this administration and is left to defend itself alone and then is criticized when it does. Barack Obama is Jimmy Carter on steroids.
This White House seems to be in chaos. Maybe Obama should appoint a commission to find out why he can't seem to make a decision and why he would rather take vacations and play golf while the country suffers economically?
Congratulations Jimmy Carter, President Obama has insured that you will no longer be known as our worst President.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Freedom Loving Americans, Engage now and be heard, join the battle for the USA!
We need a revolution every 200 years, because all governments become stale and corrupt after 200 years." - Ben Franklin ~folks we are overdue~~

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Pat Boone nails it!!

Pat Boone has it right!!

Still Paying for your mobile service? WHY??

Felipe Calderon's Blatant Hypocrisy

By: Pat Boone
Mexican President Felipe Calderon has been making a big splash here lately. I’m wondering if our authorities checked his credentials when he entered the country. Probably not. Racial profiling and all that. You know.

But the major news channels all dutifully trumpeted and broadcast his address to Congress, in which he lectured America on how we should conduct our immigration policy.

After complimenting us on our history and standing in the world, Calderon stated emphatically his disapproval of Arizona’s recent announcement that the state will more strictly enforce our laws. He paraphrased President Obama’s earlier remarks about the Arizona stance not being reflective of America’s moral code and ethical standards.

You may have seen the reaction on TV: Speaker Pelosi jumped to her feet and applauded wildly, at which the whole left side of the hall (the Democrat side) also stood and applauded, while the whole right side (the Republican side, of course) sat stolid and non-approving — much the same reaction as that of our Supreme Court judges when Obama chided them in front of the world for a decision he disagreed with.

Even without any approval or support from the right side of Congress, I’m sure both presidents were gratified by their mutual support of each other and Calderon’s lecturing statements, which would immediately and repeatedly be spread abroad by the obedient media.

But amazingly, the Mexican president, after a congratulatory visit to the White House, granted one in-person TV interview with Wolf Blitzer of CNN.

He probably deeply regrets doing that now.

To his great credit, Blitzer really pinned Calderon down on his own country’s immigration policies and enforcement of its laws. Blitzer had actually read Mexico’s laws — which have been, and are, far tougher on illegals entering their country than America’s are on illegals here!

That's never been a secret. Surely you, like I, have read the horror stories about Americans stranded in Mexico after money and passports were lost or stolen. And about the extortion by authorities, and imprisonments in notorious Mexican jails and, in the last several years, the disappearance and murders of visitors by rampant criminal gangs.

I remember several fact-based TV movies about tourists being extricated from prisons in Mexico, once by a heroic helicopter rescue. Even our government has advised against “spring break” visits to Mexico by exuberant American college students — because of real dangers caused by rampant lawlessness, corruption, drug cartels, and renegade gangs, armed to the teeth and threatening even to Mexican law enforcement.

But the truth about Mexico's immigration laws are becoming more widely revealed and known now. And in his interview with Blitzer, Calderon—stammering at times, looking for the right words — had to admit it.

What are some of the provisions of Mexican immigration law?

*Immigrants must speak Mexico’s language.

*No bilingual programs in schools, no special ballots for elections, and all government business must be conducted in Spanish

*Foreigners will never be able to hold political office.

*Foreigners will not have the right to vote no matter how long they’re in Mexico; Article 33 states “Foreigners may not in any way participate in the political affairs of the country.”

*Mexican authorities are ordered to keep track of every single person in the country.

*Foreigners will not be a burden to taxpayers. No welfare, no food stamps, no healthcare, or other government assistance programs.

*Foreigners with fake papers, or who enter the country under false pretenses, may be imprisoned.

*Foreigners who fail to obey the rules will be fined, deported, and/or imprisoned as felons.

*A Mexican who marries a foreigner with the sole objective of helping the foreigner live in the country is subject to up to five years in prison.

Basically, and undeniably, under Mexican law, illegal immigration is a felony. The General Law of Population says: “A penalty of up to two years in prison and a fine of three hundred to five thousand pesos will be imposed on the foreigner who enters the country illegally.” (Article 123)

And so it goes. Wolf Blitzer questioned Calderon about these things, even quoting The Washington Times: “Under the Mexican law, illegal immigration is a felony punishable by up to two years in prison. Immigrants who are deported and attempt to re-enter can be imprisoned for 10 years. Visa violators can be sentenced to six-year terms. Mexicans who help illegal immigrants are considered criminals.”

Wolf asked Calderon directly, “Is that true?”

Calderon answered, “It was true, but it is not anymore — since one year ago.”

But when Blitzer went on to ask if people from Central America could just walk in, Calderon answered, “No. They need to fulfill a form. They need to establish their right name. We analyze if they have a criminal precedent.”

Then Blitzer asked, “Do Mexican police go around asking for papers of people they suspect are illegal immigrants?”

And Calderon responded, “Of course. Of course, in the border, we are asking the people, who are you?” And when Blitzer pressed further — asking if people who had “sneaked in” from a southern country can get a job and go to work — Calderon answered “No, no. If somebody do that without permission, we send back... we send them back.”

And this man is standing in front of our Congress, and with our president in the White House, lecturing us? Criticizing us and denigrating us for daring to enforce the laws already on our books, laws that are not as strict or punitive as his own?

Friend, what has happened in Mexico over the last many years — the near total breakdown of legal structure and the capacity of their law enforcement to preserve order and security — is a direct result of their failure to stop criminal behavior and corruption from the top to the bottom of their society. I’ve said it here before, and it needs to be said again. Laws not enforced are meaningless, and encourage the deterioration of all law.

Calderon and Mexico are experiencing their own brand of “tea party,” the grassroots population-wide revolt against their government and oppression and corruption. But, instead of our Constitution-based, peaceful, and electoral tea party, theirs is a veritable witches’ brew of crime, violence, drug traffic — and the wholesale illegal departure of 15 million of their citizens desperate to escape to something better.

Mr. Calderon, go back to your own country and keep trying to clean up your own house. We Americans are about to clean up ours at the polls. Our tea party is “We the people.”
